Ornamental Deciduous Fruit Trees

Don offers a wide variety or Ornamental, Deciduous and Fruit Trees to add color, depth and an interesting twist to your landscape. Below are some of the varieties we have in stock.  New Variety incoming weekly, call for inventory.

  1. Kwanzan Cherry
  2. Okame Cherry
  3. Pink Weeping Cherry
  4. Snow Fountain Cherry
  5. Yoshino Cherry
  6. Prairie Fire Crab Apple
  7. Kousa Dogwood
  8. Japanese Maple (Multiple Varieties)
  9. Red Bud (Multiple Varieties)
  10. Thundercloud Plum
  11. Maple Trees (Multiple Varieties)
  12. River Birch
  13. Pin Oak
  14. Willow Oak
  15. Alta Manolia
  16. Crepe Myrtle (Multiple Varieties)

Fruit Trees – Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach and Plum varieties available

Trees are in Containers or B&B.  Container trees are in stock and available.  B&B trees are in ground and dug upon order and range from 6 ft. to 18 ft. tall and have 24 to 44 inch root balls.  50% deposit due upon order, balance due at delivery.  Call for delivery rates, size, availability, cost and more information.